Sunday, March 6, 2011

Danger, danger

The weekend weather was just frightful, and I could not bring myself to make the drive to SAQ depot in Gatineau. It's Sunday night, and I'm heading into the week with one bottle of unopened white wine. I don't know why I need it, I just blindly accept that I do. Risk of budget disruption in one form or another is running high.

To get through the week without incident, I promise myself:
  • to not even so much as walk into a restaurant
  • to find time for a candlelit bath before bed at least twice
  • not to buy wine in a restaurant or order a single glass in a bar
  • not to go to bed crabby because I have not had a glass of wine
  • to be extraordinarily patient with my children and my coworkers
  • to return the empty bottles in the garage before the week is up
  • to reward myself with a Vintage bottle from the LCBO bin ends
I'm on vacation the following week. My mother, sister and niece are coming to visit us.