Sunday, May 1, 2011

Still no

I'll revisit this list once the credit line is zeroed:
  • services related to hair and foot care (with permission to splurge on related products, provided they cost less than what might have been spent on services)
  • out-of-town car travel will be limited to one cottage visit on the Big Rideau
  • clothing and shoes
  • sporting goods
  • train travel
  • electronics
  • parking
May's budget must include an extra $200 for evening child care. (The annual $400 vacation payment to the regular daytime caregiver is due in June.) Work will be busier than usual for me. This amount will cover at least four working dinners, and a sporting event.

The car needs servicing too. It's very drivable, as is. Perhaps it can wait until June, except maybe the snow tire removal.