Thursday, May 26, 2011

Live in Ontario?

Hey, me too! I still receive my utility bills by mail, and tonight I am scrutinizing the hydro bill for sport. It contains a few inserts that merit further attention.

The first one is from the Ontario government, promoting the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit and promising 10% off my electricity bill for five years. I'm immediately suspicious.

To help you with the increased costs of these essential investments, the Ontario government has taken 10% off your electricity bill - including electricity costs, regulatory charges, the debt retirement charge and taxes.

Getting notice is good, I like that. After reviewing the additional material and scanning the details of my most current bill for items like the Debt Retirement Charge, I conclude the net result: my hydro costs are increasing noticeably after five years. I can wait.

The second insert introduces time-of-use (TOU) pricing. I need a better understanding of my habits and current rates before I can figure out what's involved here. I notice that it offers a calculator to help with the math. I clicked through but lost the trail.

There's a second letter, postmarked May 24, with An Important Notice About Your Electricity Rates on the envelope. It says the TOU rates will be introduced in four months time and offers a tool for viewing and comparing my electricity consumption patterns: