My Ironman Triathlon watchband has been crumbling. I've had it for a while. I love its alarms and its interval timer. I recently went back to the store where I had purchased it from. They gave me two options: fix it myself (be creative) or buy a new one for $90. I thought at first that Crazy Glue might work, until I realized I don't have all of the pieces.
Today while I was picking up my race kit for tomorrow's 10K running event, I had to detour through the race expo to exit the building. It's how they set it up in case I might want or need more sporting goods. I was tempted. They have nice stuff and good promotions.
I noticed a Timex booth promoting the kind of watch that I'm wearing. I stopped to chat and learned that I can go back to the store and ask for the postage-paid envelope the vendor has provided specifically for this purpose. The problem is known to the vendor and they are willing to assess it at no charge and give me an additional point of view on my options.