Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A quick whine about wine

I took up the habit after reading about it in a diabetic magazine in 2008, and I believe that it can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. No doubt there is a relationship between alcohol and blood sugar. For various reasons not strictly limited to time and money (and insulin pump calibration), I recently managed to last ten consecutive days without wine.

Saturday night arrived and I decided to try a glass. (The nurse did not set out any restrictions when we discussed the possibility at my last appointment.) I purchased one bottle ($14.95) from the nearest LCBO, and had two glasses after dinner.

My blood sugar dropped outrageously low on Sunday morning into the category of severe hypoglycemia. I can function under these circumstances but just barely. I wasn't sure it was the wine at first, so I tried a bit more on Sunday night, yielding more dramatic results.

I'm not stocking up for a while.

Update, April 20:
I got advice from the diabetic nurse on how to handle this situation. She suggests that I turn the pump down by 25% (for the rest of the night) right before I go to bed.

Update, April 21:
It worked.