Yesterday was a really nice day here. I hauled the bikes and accessories out from the garage into the driveway and started the spring tune-ups myself. (Last year's outsourced tune-ups contributed to May's Visa statement spike.) I needed an Allen key set for the project ($5 at Canadian Tire). I went to the bike shop first, but they wanted $20 for it!
My five-year old is nearly six now. I have an old Trail-a-bike in the garage that I acquired for my eldest years ago, but I'm not sure we ever used it. I got it second hand. I wonder what I was thinking when I decided to move it from my old house to this one. My eldest would have been to big by then to use it. My youngest would not yet have been on my radar.
I was successful in locating all of the components of the Trail-a-bike and determining how they should fit together. I removed the fender from my older bike to free up space for it, but then I got stuck at the bolt for the seat post. While it seems I might need another tool to release it, I also think it's been bolted too tight.
The post needs to come off temporarily so that I can slide the hitch for the trailer onto it. At first I thought the hitch worked more like a clamp, but it has no give to it. I'm going to have to ask for help to remove the seat post, or pay someone at the bike shop to do it for me.
I ran out of wine on Thursday. I am going to let that slide for a few days and see what happens. The coffee supply dropped dangerously low as well, but I've restocked it. I have managed to cut my coffee consumption in half since starting this blog in November.
Asking for help always seems to come at a higher price.