Metro supermarket has windshield wiper fluid on promotion today for $2.99. It's probably cheaper over at Food Basics, but I was already at Metro and I knew I was running low. I sprung the hood myself and topped up before leaving the parking lot of the store. It doesn't sound like much of a common sense revolution, at surface level, on a sunny winter's day.
Last time, I left it too long and had to stop at a full service station during a storm, in which I was also talked into a $50 set of winter wipers. While they are indeed fit for a princess, and I did need new ones, it's the sort of snap judgment call that can add up in the long term.
In other news, I just cut my bangs, which puts off the decision of what to swap out for a haircut until February. To cut and foil/camouflage the silvery grey now takes three hours.
In the undone column still sits an unwritten invoice for accepted and undisputed services provided by my company to a long standing client via subcontractor last month, which ideally should have been issued by me to the client early last week. It's straight commission for me on these services; my role is simply administrative in this case.
This client has a history of paying on time, within 30 days of receipt. On that note...
Update: Done. It takes 15 minutes to issue an invoice. I slap my own wrist, and carry on.