My account is set up through ING direct, and they mail me paper statements quarterly. It pays interest at a rate of 2%. I have a small monthly amount deducted directly from my chequing account at RBC. My TFSA closing balance one year later is $322.06. I should eventually check out the facts, and I probably will. I do not yet need to know.
Interest paid this quarter? $1.03
Update, January 23:
Just opened a great letter from ING Direct in which they clearly lay out basic facts:
- Deposit up to $5000 a year and carry forward any unused portion. With TFSAs now in their third year, that's a total deposit limit of $15 000.
- You can withdraw money from the TFSA at any time without paying tax, but you must wait until the next calendar year to redeposit that amount.
- Any money you withdraw can be deposited again the following year, in addition to the annual $5000 limit.