- finding every item on my drug store list on sale, not straying much from the list, and being handed a $10 voucher for my next visit. Thank you, Optimum card.
- getting RBC to lower the interest rate on my line of credit, but just a little. On my second call to RBC, I learned that CIBC can offer me the better rate because they have my mortgage and could secure the loan against my home equity.
- discovering soccer balls on promotion for $5 (and buying five deflated ones for Danielle) when I was picking up my boot from its repair. They will pack well.
- my daughter's caregiver insisting I include her "spare" frozen turkey with one of my Christmas hamper projects. She said they were on sale.
- two kids so thrilled with breakfast-for-dinner, that we ate together at the table.
- remembering and confirming I intentionally did not deduct the $3178 I put into RRSPs (November to December 2009) from last year's taxable income.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Little things
Small victories today, worth noting: