Gone from my desk is the big scary box of unsorted receipts, and in its place now rests two tidy fan-style folders containing the orderly version of my 2010 financial reality tour.
Gone from my bedroom:
- The iPod dock from my dresser. I could not look at it without thinking about the summer of 2008, and the Depeche Mode songs: Somebody and It's No Good.
- Several books on parenting. I read all of them; my kids never will. I kept one.
- An unread rare book, a gift from a former in-law I was genuinely fond of. It moved to Kanata with me in 2006. Safe to say I'm never going to read it, and I'm unlikely to see her again before his funeral. We'll find other things to talk about.
- Another unread book, a hospital gift from the visiting sister of a close friend who saved me from certain death by coma in the summer of 2007. I could not look at it without remembering the emergency room doctor who talked about me in the past tense, while I was still in the room. I much prefer the present tense.