This post is on the subject of self-care, in particular, my feet! My discount foot file wore itself out after a few weeks of daily use. The vaseline and sock trick buys some time by softening (not reducing) skin but plateaus. A pedicure is not in budget for March either.
With all of that in mind, this past weekend I caved and spent the $15 on the Ped Egg at Zellers. It's well constructed, low maintenance, and I will be able to use it again. I traded it off against the $40 cost of my next pedicure, which will need to wait until April or May.
I did not know this product had its own infomercial before writing this post. I've noticed it appearing in the foot care section at most pharmacies and department stores that I frequent, and wondered what made it so popular. I ended buying the larger Ped Egg for men. It seems they can't keep up with demand for the smaller woman's version.