Today is payday. The admin team who hand out our payslips (oftentimes with candy) organize a 50/50 draw every payday, with proceeds to a local charity of their choosing. For a person who never buys lottery tickets, I get much too excited about this draw.
When you are self-employed, billing by the hour and living simply, the associated compensation mostly works well. While you may give little or no thought to retirement, you may also not notice that your retirement savings program is paused for seven years.
For a person who lived strictly off irregular corporate dividends for seven years, I get much too excited at the reality of the regular paycheque associated with my day job. There always seemed to be enough money when I was self-employed, and I didn't have to track expenses or budget for them either. When I needed something expensive, I usually just worked extra hours.
While at times I miss that lifestyle, in writing this post, I am gently reminded that I did not require daycare during that period. I would not turn back time, even if I could.
Incidentals today? $1.